National Science Week 15 - 23 August


Next Week is National Science Week which provides students and their families with opportunities to view our world through the eyes of all things SCIENCE!. Teachers have planned some exciting science experiences next week with the secondary science teachers leading the way with science focuses being related to the deep blue (oceans), Year 7 and 8 while Year 9 students will focus on careers in science.

Our year 9 students are currently in the process of considering their pathways as they move ever more closely to Year 10 and course confirmation time. The students have been undertaking interviews with careers consultants provided by the Department of Education and Training. Further, they have been engaging with Point Cook Senior Secondary Careers Advisor, being provided with Course Counselling sessions.

The theme of Science being celebrated next week is being used by the Year 9 teachers Declan Sega and Virginia Millard to combine career options and considerations with the possibilities of work in the science field.

Last week Ms Millard attended a webinar hosted by The Australian Government National Skills Commission, Labour Market Research and Analysis Branch. This included very current careers information very relevant to our students' pathway options against a backdrop of the pandemic. I have included some of the slides from the webinar that suggests that post school education and training are most important in securing employment.

Whilst not refereed to specifically in the webinar, I recently came across a concept that complements the key messages for our young people and their pathway success. Micro- credentialling is being considered as a key part of supporting ongoing future employment chances and opportunities. Micro credentials are certification-style qualifications that individuals choose to study to improve a skill found in a particular industry area. They are short, low-cost online courses that provide learners with a digital certification or a ‘digital badge’ when complete.

Students will be provided a link to a padlet where they will list their favourite science areas (not jobs or work fields). I will then, referencing the list, outline to students that you can work in a science field and not be a scientist. Many science departments of work require a team of varying roles in order to allow the lab/workplace to function. These areas require workers such as: general admin, accountants, HR, Sterilizers, technicians etc. Each role requires a different qualification. If a student has an interest in working with a desired science field, but does not wish to undertake research; they can consider what skills they can bring to a team and then search for the appropriate role for them. Students will reference their Morrisby pathways information they received, post interview, then write in their padlet post their top 3 career paths. Students will then research and discuss with peers how they could utilize their career qualification within a science organisation. Students will then be provided with current science work areas, their pathways and their desire for employees and explain how covid will evolve these needs in the coming months/years. Students will be prompted to read the news and to keep up to date with the quickly evolving work environment that covid has created.