Young Featherbrook Students Lead the Way in School Pride


Part 1 - Nude Food helps to manage waste - Blog - 2 June 2019.

Part 2 - Managing the waste that got away! Whilst Featherbrook College is seeking to achieve a 5 star rating ResourceSmart school, and we have achieved 2 stars at this point in time, vigilance in taking action to look after our immediate environment is well within the realm of possibility....but vigilance is the operative word.

Our school motto of 'Local Education, Global Future' is important for our students, staff and broader college community to promote as it is by acting locally, practicing locally, that we play our part in contributing to a sustainable global future. The youngest of our Featherbrook students are to be acknowledged for the way they and their teachers have enacted our motto as they took local action today. Recognising that litter that had escaped from the clutches of some students, litter that missed being placed in the bins, and litter that was taken outside ending in the garden beds, collecting in nooks and crannies around our school buildings, our young students took to the task with tongs and buckets. An army of students moved around the grounds making quick work of the job, leaving the school grounds pristine.....the plants in the garden beds I'm sure were appreciative of their efforts. The aesthetic effect was obvious. Thank you to our fabulous young students who showed leadership, and pride in our school.