Star Readers


Each month Assistant Principal Dale Brown who leads literacy across the college, collates data from Wushka, reading logs and the Premier’s Reading Challenge and the evidence is unequivocal that we are a school of avid readers! I have included some snapshots of the amount of reading that has been undertaken across the school in the last month or so. Students and their parents have ensured that reading features each day during remote and flexible learning as well as during leisure time where reading for entertainment is enjoyed.

It should come as no surprise that our recent NAPLAN results are indicative of the emphasis we place on reading as the currency needed for all other areas of learning to progress with success. Our students demonstrated considerable applied reading skills when undertaking the National Assessment in Literacy and Numeracy in May this year.

The NAPLAN 2021 Reading Results described in terms of students achieving in the top two bands which are equivalent to achieving ‘above’ the expected level. Our college achieved greater than the State for all NAPLAN assessed levels. Congratulations to our students and their teachers on such astounding results and for their unrelenting focus on reading improvement.

Year 3: Our School 71% of students achieved in the top two bands; the State 60% in top two bands

Year 5: Our School 45% of students achieved in the top two bands; the State 43% in top two bands

Year 7: Our School 36% of students achieved in the top two bands; the State 28% in top two bands

Year 9: Our School 25% of students achieved in the top two bands; the State 22% in top two bands