Messages from Year 3 - 8 Assembly


Our senior students expertly led the assembly yesterday through entertainment, information and messages of safety and environmental care. Drawing on the work of the Green Team and the biodiversity audit they undertook earlier in the year, the students shared with the audience the importance of both preserving our flora and fauna as well as building on it through tree planting, mindfulness about pollutants such as plastics, preservation of our waterways and management of domestic pets.

Year 8 students Jack and Maryann anchored the biodiversity forum, firstly delivering information followed by an interactive session with the audience complete with prizes for correctly answering the questions posed. The students were very receptive to the Q&A session and Jack and Maryann were most eloquent and polished in their compering roles.

Reyansh and Drake delivered another message of great importance to the assembly audience. Recognising that an increasing number of students are riding their bikes to school, and this being partly in response to minimising traffic around the school at drop off and pick up, information about bike riding safety was an ideal topic to include on the assembly agenda.

Drake brought his bike and helmet into the assembly while Reyansh provided details about how to stay safe whilst riding emphasising the importance of wearing a helmet; indeed, that wearing a bike helmet is the law in Victoria. Thank you to the many parents who ensure their child is aware of the road rules when bike riding and ensure their child has a bike helmet that fits well and meets the required mandated safety standards.

The following link provides further information for our families to learn more about how to enjoy the benefits of bike riding while staying safe.