Farewell Year 9 Class of 2020


Yesterday the very first Year 9 students celebrated their graduation from Featherbrook College. These students are the inaugural Year 9 cohort and will always hold a special place in the history of the school. The celebration included speeches from students, teachers as well as a principal address. Yhouane, John and Charlize provide the musical entertainment while the students had created their own refreshments in the food technology kitchen earlier in the day. Ms Houlihan and a group of year 8 Media students were capturing images of the event.

A tradition was established as well. Academic Excellence Awards were presented to 3 students in the curriculum areas of study including English, Mathematics and Science. The academic awards were awarded to Year 9 students who have been identified by their teachers to have consistently applied themselves to their learning and through effort, have achieved commendable results. Mid and end of year progression and achievement results along with a consistent commitment to learning, informs the selection of the recipient. Congratulations to Yhouane, John and Izan for English, Mathematics and Science respectively.

Year 9 Academic Awards


The English Award is awarded to a student who has excelled in all areas of the English curriculum: speaking and listening; reading; writing. The recipient will have demonstrated an ability to apply and extend themselves, learn independently and seek greater challenges in their English classes and beyond class. The awarded student will have excelled completing all required tasks demonstrating a desire and propensity to excel in applying, enjoying and building mastery of the English language.


The Mathematics Award is awarded to a student who has excelled in all areas of the Mathematics curriculum: Number and Algebra; Measurement and Geometry; Statistics and Probability. The recipient will have demonstrated an ability to apply and extend themselves, learn independently and seek greater challenges in their Mathematics classes and beyond class. The awarded student will have excelled completing all required tasks demonstrating a desire and propensity to problem solve and problem-pose. They will have shown exemplary applied reasoning, investigative skills and calculative accuracy resulting in outstanding mathematical mastery.


The Science Award is awarded to a student who has excelled in all areas of the Science curriculum: Science Understanding and Science Inquiry Skills. The recipient will have demonstrated an ability to apply and extend themselves, learn independently and seek greater challenges in their Science classes and beyond class. The awarded student will have excelled completing all required tasks demonstrating a desire and propensity to question and predict, analyse and evaluate. They will have shown exemplary learning and application of biological, physical, chemical and earth and space knowledge. The awarded student will have demonstrated mastery of science exploration and knowledge as a human endeavour.