Easter Egg


The Point Cook town centre invited local schools to decorate giant Easter eggs for display over the Easter period, without knowing quite how giant the egg was we said yes please straight away, keen to give our students a taste of installation art.

Our egg was delivered and sat as a blank canvas in the art room for a week while students discussed how it should be painted. In the end students created a bright design in the style of Melbourne mural artist Deb McNaughton. The project was open to anyone who wanted to come in and paint at lunchtimes. We ended up having a keen art crew of over 20 students from across the collage both primary and secondary students who collaborated to paint the egg.

After two weeks of lunchtime painting the egg was returned to the town centre where it is on display outside Target until the 18th of April.

Thank you and congratulations to all of our student ‘installation’ artists : Sharvi, Avni N, Avni R, Arshia, Sai Isha, Ashira, Leanna, Pei, Kanishka, Choe, Kanika, Navami, Layla, Vilia, Katrina, Ovi, Jairah, Avani, Swetha, Nityansh.