2020 Prep BBQ


Our Prep transition program at Featherbrook College is very comprehensive, beginning with opportunities for parents and children to come into our college library to enjoy the range of picture storybooks. The dedicated reading sessions are designed to support our new young students in becoming used to the school environment with their parent. Familiarity is the key purpose. Transition supports both student and parent. While the children are enjoying a range of activities in the learning spaces, their parents are bring provided an opportunity to gain some skills and knowledge that will help them to support their child to successfully make the transition to school. Behaviour Management Educator Jenny Mackay was first to present to the parents this week.

Tonight, our 2020 Prep families came along to enjoy a BBQ and to meet each other, to make new friends and to enjoy the school's facilities. The rain didn't change the plans of our families. In excess of 200 people or more came along. The stadium provided refuge from the rain and the activities planned were enjoyed under cover. Thanks to our Prep team and other staff members, no one went hungry and the aroma of the BBQ was very inviting. I thoroughly enjoyed chatting with new and existing families and it was also heartening that parents made the most of making acquaintance with other parents; some even exchanging contact details such was the making of new friendships. It was great to see our school values in action; collaboration and inclusion!