2021 Senior Athletics


Abuk, like so many of our student athletes, tried their very best in as many events as they could possibly compete in, such is the Featherbrook spirit of contributing, participating, encouragement and taking a risk in a safe environment. The year 5 – 9 students were outstanding in both their sporting prowess and their willingness to support each other and to cheer their peers on. The staff who attended, teachers, pre-service teachers, YMCA staff and ES staff including administration and classroom, all agreed, that we were so proud of our senior Featherbrook students….their conduct, their school spirit and their willingness to have a go and enjoy the opportunity to compete.

There can be only one winning House though once all of the points were added up. Congratulations to Acacia (yellow house) who achieved first place on 1498 points, followed by Geranium (red house) on 1367 points, then Banksia (blue house) and finally Eucalyptus (green house). All are to be commended for their fine effort. Thank you to co-ordinator Mr Sipala and the other PE teachers Ms Hamilton-Scott and Mr Hassall for their contribution to the success of the day. Of course as mentioned earlier, the range of staff who supported the event are to be acknowledged, ensuring a very smoothly – run event.